We had some good news; Historic England through the Cultural Recovery Fund upped its grant by £41,468 to make a total grant offer of £182,368. This was in recognition of the higher contractor’s quotes and increased costs encountered in the restoration works beyond the figures estimated at the time our application was made. The total assessed costs are now approximately £230,000 including professional fees (but excluding VAT which we are reclaiming) and the difference around £50,000 is covered by the monies that have been advanced from the Diocesan Central Investment Funds.
The increase in grant offer has freed up monies in the Restoration Account that we had raised through your generous donations and fundraising which can now be used towards the repairs and redecoration of the interior of the Church. The cost of these works is assessed at £22,000 to include scaffolding, decorator’s charges, materials, rewiring of the rather ancient electrical circuits and provision of emergency lights plus professional fees. Against this can be set a grant kindly made by Allchurches Trust Ltd. of £4,500 leaving us a balance of about £17,500 to pay out of the Restoration account.
The scaffolding is due to be erected on the 9th April with the electrician, Vince Rattenbury, commencing on the 12th April and the decorator Andy Crossley starting on the 19th April. The time schedule is five weeks so the work should be completed during the week commencing 24th May with the scaffolding being removed thereafter.
The exterior works being carried out by Daedalus Conservation have run past the original completion date of the 31st March due to the additional repair works required in particular to the Bell Tower where the roof windows were found to need extensive repairs as well as work on areas of the main walls of the Church where the blue lias stone under the rendering had crumbled. You will be interested to know that on one pinnacle above the pathway on the South side of the Church, the decorative stone on the top was not fixed in any way and was merely resting in place and another pinnacle had a large crack down one side; these could have broken loose at any time! Our consultant, Sam Wheeler of Philip Hughes & Associates has spent a good deal of time and energy in agreeing remedial works for the problems that have arisen and his work is much appreciated.
It is envisaged that the Church will be clear of contractors in relation to both the external and internal works by June which will be the cause of much celebration!
Finally, I know Fr. Anthony would like to express his appreciation to all of those who have contributed so generously to the cost of restoring this wonderful Church through your donations and Pledges.
Richard Salt