Making a donation

If you are able to help by making a donation, please contact Claire Peters, our Parish Secretary on 01297 32135 or send a cheque made payable to the account below.  Please include your name and address.

NatWest Bank

‘PRCDTR St Michael & St George Restoration Fund’

Sort code: 56-00-63

Account number: 46900322

Please remember the prefix ‘PRCDTR’ and the office address is: The Parish Office, The Priests House, St Mary’s Church, Lyme Road, Axminster, EX13 5BE

Our community very much appreciates your support in helping to restore our much loved church in Lyme Regis with its attendant general history.

Please note: Funds raised by this appeal will create a ‘restricted fund’, and will be accounted for as such. If for some good reason the appeal project cannot be completed or if a surplus arises, the remaining funds will be used for general charitable purposes for the parish.

Our Church in Lyme Regis is part of the RC Parish of The Most Holy Trinity and part of the PRCDTR registered charity number 213227

The Parish website: