Gift Aid planning

The article from our Treasurer in the recent Three Parish Magazine (Issue 16, page 14) and also copied here on the website, will explain why the decision was taken to discontinue the weekly Gift Aid donations. It is through the Gift Aid Small Donation Scheme or ‘GASDS’, that our three parishes can now, within certain parameters, claim back tax from cash put anonymously into the plate at Mass.

You will appreciate that the weekly donation process has been running at a cost to the three parishes for such items as envelope purchase, the time given by volunteers, the keeping of weekly records of each parishioner’s donations, the counting arrangements and storage of used envelopes for seven years for audit purposes.

But there is, a potential difficulty with the GASDS plate arrangement in that there is an annual ceiling figure per parish above which tax cannot be claimed.  However! The arrangement for individuals who make Gift Aid donations has not altered and here there is no ceiling, except for that within each individual’s tax arrangements.

There are continuing advantages therefore to the parish of Gift Aid giving by Bank Standing Order, so if you are a regular donor, may we request you consider transfer to a Bank Standing Order arrangement?  It would be of considerable help to our parishes at a time of falling revenues in a rough world.

If you used to be a weekly Gift Aid donor, to give by monthly Bank Standing Order, there is no need to sign the Gift Aid Declaration form again.  It is just a matter of completing the Banker’s Order and also making a copy of the same form for our Treasurer so that he knows to expect the new donation.

Bank Standing Orders (BSO)

If you would like to transfer to a monthly, quarterly or annual donation, please would you 1) inform your Bank using the BSO form for the Parish you attend and 2) make a copy the same information for our Treasurer (Col Brian Williams). 

For the copy to the Treasurer, please forward the form and address it to ‘The Treasurer’ at: The Office, St Mary’s RC Church, Lyme Road, Axminster, EX13 5BE, in an envelope marked ‘In Confidence’.

For copies of the BSO form, these are available from:  Peter Porteous for Axminster;  Mike Hamerton for Lyme Regis;  Tom or Julie Dunnon at Seaton.

Please Note:  Our three parishes have unique BSO forms as they give the Bank details for each of our parishes.  If you would prefer to set up your BSO on line, then you will need the number from the paper form.  Please also remember to get a copy to the Treasurer!