CAFOD We are the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development: the official international development and relief agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. Through our global church network, one of the largest in the world, we have the potential to reach everyone living in poverty with practical help, whatever their religion or culture. And…
Synod Summary
From Joe Harrison (revised 17 December 2021) On October 10th Pope Francis opened a two-year process of synodality. The aim is to consult with the whole Church including laity, religious and ordained in how it can become more inclusive of all sections and open in its governance. This is the first time that such a…
Address by Pope Francis
Dear brothers and sisters, Thank you for being here for the opening of the Synod. You have come by many different roads and from different Churches, each bearing your own questions and hopes. I am certain the Spirit will guide us and give us the grace to move forward together, to listen to one another…
LR Restoration Mass of Thanksgiving
Homily delivered 26 September by Father Cockram Why are we here today? You may well say: “To give thanks to God for this beautifully restored place of worship” And, of course, you’re right. But perhaps today is a good time to look at this with a bit more focus. Just how are we giving thanks…
Corpus Christi
It’s almost impossible to imagine what it would mean to give our flesh for someone to eat. So try to imagine the effect which the words we’ve just heard would have had on a group of Jewish people. For them, as for us, cannibalism was a subject to be avoided. For most of us even…
The Annual Ecumenical Initiative – Thy Kingdom Come
This novena of prayer runs from Ascension Thursday through to Pentecost Sunday. Within this prayer, individuals are encouraged to pray for 5 nominated people they know that they would wish to bring closer to Jesus. Complete details, along with a Novena prayer are detailed below for your newsletters, parish websites etc. Thy Kingdom Come Once…